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1464 entries.
Herky from Weiser wrote on 11/23/2023 at 8:58 am
Greetings Club Officers, Patchholders, Support and visitors on our page.
In spite of the shape our nation is in, STILL yet we have much to be thankful for. Family, Home, dry, warm, turkey in the oven ect..... let's keep our hearts set on positive things.
Things are well here in Idaho, been a reasonable Fall so far, seen many riders out which is pretty unusual this late.
I've been in a lot of pain, 2 herniated disc's L3 L4
bone spurs pinching Off those nerves. THANKFULLY scheduled surgery Nov 29, (prayers appreciated) get that settled, then left knee needs fixed or replaced.
Missed NW Spring run and National too. Do my best to get to 24 one way or another.
Thanks to NW Region President Radio for looking after us this year, lost Brother Kelo, looking after some of us in need, setting up Spring Run, representing us at National. Ect. THANKFUL for all you do Brother.Or as you say (Activity Cordinater) 😆
"Lord Look after our Brotherhood and Support people , may our rides be safe and all we do may your hand rest on us".
Till later
National Chaplian Herky.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks for the inspiring words of wisdom and BROTHERHOOD,Hope to see all at our next meeting ,good luck and prayers for surgeries and recovery
Rascal from Pittsburgh wrote on 11/21/2023 at 2:31 pm
Greetings Boss, Patched Brothers, Prospects, and Support
Pittsburgh weather has been unusually warm for November. I’m not complaining at all I’ve been able to ride a couple days a week. The good part was I bought a new trike 2023 so much nicer than the 17, and none of the issues. So I’ve been added things like the heated grips I really need those with the weather even though it’s been nice and sun out a lot the temps are low fifty’s and mid forty’s, my hands get cold. This week weather wasn’t to good rainy, and seems to be dropping more after this week. A big thank you to Brothers Rebel and Herky for getting me some ManVets decals for the new bike.
Not much else going on it’s a busy time of year getting Xmas gifts for grandchildren. So I’ll sign out for now.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and your families. Take care ride when u can.

Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
send pictures of new trike,have a great week,don't spend to much remember you now have a bike payment.LLRBF
Rebel from Lees Summit wrote on 11/18/2023 at 11:01 am
Greetings to all, Boss, Patched Members, Prospects, and Support. Headed to our son’s house in Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, always good to spend time with family. New Prospect Scooter lives about an hour north of him so we set up a time to meet on Friday.
Weather still good for this time of year, but they say the cooler air is on the way.
Keep an eye on the Chiefs game on Monday Night Football. My VVA Chapter is taking our Huey helicopter to the stadium for veterans celebration. You never know who you might see.
Wishing all a great weekend and blessed Thanksgiving.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks for the phone call,grateful for all you do for the CLUB. Have a safe trip and enjoy the FAMILY and eat lots for turkey.
Daniel (Boogie) from Peoria AZ wrote on 11/14/2023 at 4:04 pm
Greetings Patcholders, Support and Prospects. Great time to be riding here in lower Az weather in the 80s but I'm caging it for awhile. Had a squeak in the bike loud enough that people riding with me could hear it. Been going on for over a year brought it in they could never find it. Finally they thought they had found it but no. Now they have a tech coming out in a few days to check it out. Glad I got the extended warranty. Let you know what happen next. Have a great day all
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
hope it all works out for ya BROTHER
Sling Blade from Everett, Wa wrote on 11/11/2023 at 11:20 pm
Pffft, Pffft, is this thing on?
Greetings and Salutations to all Patcholders, Prospects, Support, and those looking in from the outside!
The weather is turning as expected, about 129 days and a wake up to Spring again. In Between there's plenty of time for R&R, both to the body and bike!
This is the first attempt at posting with a phone, so I'll keep this short.
I'm chasing down rumors and propaganda in my AO about people, places, and things.
I'm proud to wear the patch and be counted among you, and I will do my best to represent the club at all times. NVFFNV
Here's wishing you warm feet, out of the wet sleet, and good times that can't be beat!
Love, Loyalty, Respect, Brotherhood, Forever!
Sling Blade
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
always you have the most interesting language take care BROTHER sunny side up rubber down RIDE ON
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 11/10/2023 at 3:13 pm
Greetings to all, just wanted to say happy birthday to the Marine corps, hoping to get a ride or 2. Before the weather changes and have to put the bike away. For those who can continue to ride be safe and good health to all, Prospect Scooter
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
thanks for the post take care
Steven Borton from Peoria wrote on 11/02/2023 at 12:27 pm
Good morning brothers and sisters! We are getting some good weather , much better! Riding a little shorter runs Now. SWR is doing real good and loving our members of Nam Vets MC !!!looking forward to nationals,it can’t come soon enough! love and respect to all brothers and sisters
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks for all you do and all our BROTHERS out WEST
Doc Gonzo from Ray wrote on 11/01/2023 at 9:00 am
Greetings Brothers, Supports, Prospects & well wishers!!

Had our first snow the other day. It's still here. And just like in Wyoming, it recycles the snow into ground blizzards so it's around for a while.

I've rejoined the ranks of the working man. First day yesterday. I was not happy when my shift ended. This work seems much more difficult if you've not done it in a while, probably a while and a half.

Other than that, nothing new here. Just thought I'd check in.


Doc Gonzo
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
work is a bitch when your out for awhile,good luck.
Daniel (Boogie) from Peoria AZ wrote on 10/29/2023 at 1:01 pm
Greetings brothers of the patch, prospects and supporters. Weather is getting beautiful still not riding much they still haven't't figured out the squeak and not sure I want to be riding if it is serious. Recently got 100%. It took awhile for it to sink in. Hope all are doing well can't wait for Nationals.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
good for you BROTHER
Daniel (Boogie) from Peoria AZ wrote on 10/27/2023 at 10:11 am
Good morning brothers and sisters all supporters and prospects. Took the great granddaughter to the fair dropped about 300. The hit of the day the frigging slide ha ha. 4 tickets to go and she did it 10 times got my money's worth from that wristband. Then the tilt a whirl and the Himalayan and a bunch smaller ones for 5 she is fearless. Go D-backs
Rascal from Pittsburgh wrote on 10/25/2023 at 6:06 pm
Greetings Boss, Patched Brothers, Prospects and Support
The weather here has taken a turn for the better this week, was out today for some much needed therapy. Hope to get out tomorrow, after that the weather changes again for the wet and chilly. We have a new grandson on the way next spring. This will make 3 girls and 4 boys. They are a trip but are so much fun to be around, I just wish I could harness just a little of their energy, lol.
Finally got all my pre-winter work done today, guess I’m set for old man winter. Glad to have nice days this week, no complaints there. I hope all are doing well.
My son and happened to get a 7x14 cargo trailer thru his work, they were going to scrap it decided they didn’t want to put the money in it to repair. Ran into a snag they lost/ misplaced the title. The company applied for a new one but here in PA it takes 60 to 90 days to get it. It’s been about that now and getting a little worried. I was hoping to have the welding that needs done finished by now. I got new tires and wheels ready for it, but the welding is the big part. Guess I’ll have to be a little more patient. I just need to get this done prior to Nationals. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Well not much else going on.
Be safe.

Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
I remember you talking about the trailer glad to hear you acquired it.
GearBox from Surprise wrote on 10/21/2023 at 5:06 pm
Greetings Boss, Fellow Patched, Prospects, Support, etc. All is ok our AO. Just finished Cobra mids and slipons. Naturally I always manage to burn myself somewhere checking for leaks lol. Web page is working good on my end. 101 out here today, Would not mind 70's right now. All for now. Positive prayers and thoughts to all on mend. LLRBF NVFFNV
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
looking good BROTHER
Rebel from Lees Summit wrote on 10/09/2023 at 4:53 pm
Greetings Boss, Patched Members, Prospects and Support.
Beautiful weekend here in the Midwest. Took a nice long ride on Sunday and calmed the nerves quickly. Hope this note finds everyone healthy and happy. Getting fired up for National next year( June 2024) in Sturgis, it should be fun.
That’s all for now. Stay safe and ride often,
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Yes the weather in the Midwest has been great however a little rain would also be nice.
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 10/07/2023 at 8:19 am
Greetings to all, weather is getting cooler here in Wisconsin. Trying to get some riding in before the snow starts, went mountain biking on bicycle a couple weeks ago up in the up of Michigan, I found out I'm not 16 yrs old and safer to ride the Harley. Hope is is well with everyone out there, stay safe. Prospect Scooter
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
thanks for the post ,roller coaster of weather here,just heard our VP is recovering well from surgery
GearBox from Surprise wrote on 10/05/2023 at 1:37 pm
Greetings Boss, Fellow Patched, Prospects, support, etc. All is going great our AO. Breakfast and Lunch each week, always a great time. Weather here is finally in our favor, 91 today. All for now, Positive thoughts and Prayers to all on mend. Ride safe all. LLRBF NVFFNV
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
TWIN from Wichita Falls wrote on 09/27/2023 at 2:49 pm
Gretting to Pres. Skinner, all patch holders and Prospects
I am getting more ridding now that it is under 100. Texas Girl has been under the weather for a few weeks . I think she is turning the corner and feeling better now. I guess we are all getting older and our body's are wearing out. I didn't think I would live this long any. LOL
Ride safe
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Dutch from Montana wrote on 09/22/2023 at 6:57 am
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
still warm here BROTHER
Doc Gonzo from Ray wrote on 09/18/2023 at 6:23 pm
Greetings Brothers, Supports, Prospects & well-wishers!!!

Figured it's about time I jumped on here and let everyone know I'm still alive and well!! I am.

First off, I'm super happy Brother Brelon joined Boss and others on Perryville Run. Glad to see him back in the wind.

Been getting in some riding. Had some work done on my bike, e.g., new jiffy stand bracket, spring & bumper. Right away I figured out why the previous owner had switched out the bracket. This one, the correct one, you have to lean the bike right and actually kick the stand down to unlock it and get it to retract.

On the trip out here, one of the straps holding it down on the trailer snapped and of course it fell over. Resulting in several of the fairing's internal supports breaking. Got those repaired. Finally got the fuel gauge light replaced. Been out since 2018. I don't ride much at night, so ....

Finally got new tires after only 13,080 miles and a bit more than 4 years on last set of American Elites. Damn good tires.

Also looking forward to National Run 2024. Singer is threatening to buy another trike and actually ride this year. I'm hoping she does. She's got a lead on a Tri-Glide next town over. Fingers crossed for her getting it!!!

Well didn't mean to write a novel so I'll say so long for now. Hopefully us northerners can get some more riding in before the white stuff starts falling out of the sky.

ML&R LLRBF Brothers.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
thinking about a trike myself but Iron Butt gets a new ride first her Toyota beginning to have problems.
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 09/17/2023 at 8:30 pm
Hope all is well with everyone. Missed the tomahawk fall ride this weekend was under the weather, safe travels to all those on the road. Scooter trash
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
hope you get well soon
raymondkoch wrote on 09/17/2023 at 8:59 am