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1464 entries.
Rascal from Pittsburgh wrote on 02/25/2024 at 2:19 pm
Greeting Boss, Patched Brothers, Prospects,and Support. Glad to hear Brother Herky is getting better, and Boss you got your trike working normal.
May get a title for the big trailer yet, I’ll know in about 1 week. On the other hand I gave up on that trailer and ever getting the title I mean 5 1/2 months waiting for a title was too much.
So I went and bought a new one not as big tho. I never bought or even had a trailer prior to these, so I relied on the trailer guy to guide me I asked if a 6x12 would haul two trikes and the weight was ok. I figured back one trike in and the other one comes in forward. Of course he said yes it will be fine. Not blaming him, I should have done my own-research prior to buying one. Two trikes don’t fit and it’s 700 lbs overweight.
Had I known I would have bought a 6x10. Just to haul my trike. However the 6x12 can haul my John Deere if I ever need to. I just need to put the E track in. So enough of that.
The weather is up and down here, not getting much ride time in. The bike is pretty much done with what I wanted except the stages, they’ll have to wait. But the mag wheels and the chrome forks look good along with the other personal upgrades.
My daughter in law is due in March. She’s having some complications, and they said if she doesn’t give birth they’re going to do a c section March 7th.
Well I’ve bored you all enough with this chapter.
Take care ride often and be safe

Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
sorry about the trailer.Prayers for the daughter in law.
Daniel (Boogie) from Peoria AZ wrote on 02/25/2024 at 1:22 pm
Greetings Boss, Patched Members, Supporters and Prospects. It has been awhile since I have been on here been backed up with trying to get my life on track. We have a number of brothers on the sick rooster. Ron has a new knee (thank God we don't have to kick start these bikes) Gearbox is going through his on medical then there is CJ still waiting for the Dr to give his ok to get back on a scout Steve has been having trouble since last year when he was diagnosed with dehydration and Ken is having trouble with his neck and I go in for some kind of procedure on the 1st and last but not least Bob is getting old and ugly so an extra prayer for him and his wife. But we are still planning on Nationals. Will try to remember to get in here more often till later
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
We have all reached that time in life where health is catching up.keep on keeping on.
raymondkoch wrote on 02/19/2024 at 7:14 am
Well after some trying days the Trike(Black Beauty) is home and running and shifting as she should.Weather this week should possibly make for some good riding time.
Work, the bar and restaurant have kept me busy and yesterday got next years wood in.Four pickup loads split and stacked in the garage,
V>A> still not cooperating and I will continue to pursue a bigger percentage.
Not much else to report hoping all are doing well,Herky has moved to a rehab hospital and will be there for a month or more.Prayers Brother.
LLRB 1422
Twin from Texas wrote on 02/02/2024 at 2:25 pm
Hello to all
Just a line to let everyone know that we are all doing well . I am getting some ride time when it is warm enough.
Rode to work this morning , now I am setting here watching a thunder storm roll up. Guess it will be a wet ride home LOL
Hope every body doing well.

Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
THANKS weather starting to get better here but having shifting problems so can't ride.Bike goes into shop Tuesday.
Herky is getting better talked to him today also talked with Raskel he's still working on trailer. He called Iron Horse Inn and has reservation made.Me too.
1-888-888-9091 Nam Vets MC
I ,Ellen and Kandi Mae will leave here probably on 15th stop at Sioux City Iowa meet up with Rebel( 10 hr drive) then on to National 6 hrs.
LLRBF 1422
Rebel from Lees Summit wrote on 01/29/2024 at 7:27 am
Greetings Boss, Patched members, Support and visitors. The Chiefs are once again going to the Super Bowl. Everyone is excited, and I promise not to mention Taylor Swift. (Dang it, I just did)
Anyway I think we can win it again this year unless we get distracted by making too many commercials!
It’s been very wet in Alabama but clearing today and I’m looking forward to a nice long ride this morning. Been going through withdrawal.
Looking forward to our National in June and getting together with everyone.
Wishing everyone good health and fair weather. Let’s see some more of us post here and let us know how you’re doing.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
always great to see you post,waiting on weather to brake so I can ride.
Rascal from Pittsburgh wrote on 01/16/2024 at 7:55 am
Greetings Boss, Brothers, Prospects and Support we are halfway thru January. Storms everywhere hope all are staying warm. Our daughter in law is in ICU at Magee woman’s hospital she’s 7 months pregnant and last nite she had some complications so my son called us to watch the baby while he took her to the emergency room. They did a growth ultrasound to check the baby and he’s n the 88 percentile. He’s a big boy. They’re going to be monitoring her at least till tomorrow. A few more tests today so we r praying all goes well, and they don’t have to take him out now. But with things as they are I feel he would be ok even if they do.
Anyway on a nicer note got my bike back Friday front ends done looks good, now I need to save some money for some stages. I’ll put some picks in our facebook site. It’s been so busy here this last several days and no end in site yet. I figure that will help pass time till spring and the Nationals lol. Snowing last nite and today low temps, I’ve gotta go on snow removal here at the house and my neighbors soon.
Wifey and I are still dealing with this cough and fluish feeling, getting tired of it. Especially the cough.
Keeping the prayers going for Brother Herky, and all my Brothers to stay safe and in good health. The power of prayer it works.
That’s it for now stay warm, stay safe, and especially stay healthy.

Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
We will be praying for your daughter,Pretty much same weather here damn cold filling stove all the time but love wood heat.
Rebel from Lees Summit wrote on 01/09/2024 at 10:17 am
Here it is 9 days into the new year and storms are everywhere. Snow in the northern states and storms and tornadoes in the south. Either way, not good riding weather. We are in Alabama trying to stay away from the cold, but it’s been raining almost every day. Maybe next week will be better. Still praying for our Brother Herky to heal up and get home where he belongs.
Hope everyone will have a great 2024, and stay safe and healthy. Looking forward to our National run.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
stay safe and enjoy your time
Rascal from Pittsburgh wrote on 01/01/2024 at 2:17 pm
Greetings Boss, PatchedBrothers, Prospects and Support. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Here we are beginning the 2024 year. Looking forward to what it has in store. The wife and I have been under the weather the last several days, but starting to improve. We had a very busy schedule prior to Christmas and ended with my youngest grandsons first Rodeo ( Birthday bash) had about 70 people. It was a lot of work, prep and set up. But it was a good one. Getting the front end of the trike done on the 9th, finally the part came in. 😁
That should be it for a while. Maybe. LOL
Looking forward to see my brothers at the National.
That’s all folks Happy New Year, be safe.

Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
sounds great also looking forward to the new year
Doc Gonzo from Ray wrote on 12/30/2023 at 2:00 pm
Greetings Brothers, Supports, Associates (do we have those now?), Prospects and well-wishers.

Here we are on the eve of New Year's Eve. The shit-show that was 2023 is almost totally in the rear-view.

The good news it wasn't all bad. Hardly anything ever is.

Anyway, I'm looking forward with trepidation to seeing what 2024 will bring. Some positives I'm definitely looking forward to are our National Run and time spent with Brothers! Then my, almost annual, pilgrimage to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Man, prices have SKYROCKETED even over last year. They must think everyone going is an F. Lee Bailey or top neurosurgeon on a motorcycle with a fat wallet. I seem to recall the first rally I went to with a very nice campground cost mes $111.00 for the ENTIRE WEEK. Some now want that for a ONE-DAY pass. YIKES

Oh well, as Tevye says, "Tradition!"

Singer and I are both well, warm, a nice roof over heads and food in our bellies so we're doing a lot better than a lot of the world's population and we're thankful for that.

Wow, and all I wanted to do was say 'Hello' and I'm still alive and kicking. Hello & I am.

Wishing all a PROSPEROUS, HAPPY & HEALTHY 2024.

Ride on Brothers!!


Doc Gonzo
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Daniel (Boogie) from Peoria AZ wrote on 12/28/2023 at 9:14 am
Greetings Boss, Patched Members, Prospects and Supporters. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a great New Year. I was sick Christmas eve didn't't get to see the Great grand kids open their gifts. Got my Trike back and after 5,000 dollars, of which 4,000 was covered by warranty, the squeak is gone. But, I was riding around for a couple of days and the check engine light comes on so back to the shop Friday. As long as it is ready for Nationals.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
WOW always something glad your better and New Year Greeting to your Family.Remember right before midnight raise your left foot so you start out the New Year on the right,
THUMPER from Benton wrote on 12/25/2023 at 8:01 pm
Radio from Clearlake wrote on 12/25/2023 at 1:10 am
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Brothers, Support and Friends. Wishing all many miles of great riding in 2024. Stay safe and dry!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Radio from all of us Merry Christmas and Happiest of new years
Herky from Idaho wrote on 12/24/2023 at 5:11 pm
Greetings Nam Vets Officers, Patch Holders, Treasured Support and those interested.
" Unto you is borna Savior who takes away the sin of the world".
Merry Christmas to all!
I hope this finds you all in good health and Spirits.
Looking forward to 24 and more miles in the saddle.
Happy New Year as well.
Chaplain Herky.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Merry Christmas wishes to you and your family
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 12/23/2023 at 7:46 pm
Just wanted to wish all the Nam Vets and Associates a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New year, Prospect Scooter
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks and back to you and yours
DUTCH from MONTANA wrote on 12/23/2023 at 9:42 am
Skinner from Piedmomt wrote on 12/23/2023 at 9:00 am
Merry Christmas to all Brothers and Sisters please have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.
Remember that posting on our page here will help us grow.
Hopefully this year will be another great year for us , Retired brothers you’re forever in our hearts and prayers. Thank you and remember you are always welcome to join us attending National Meeting.
GEARBOX from Surprise wrote on 12/22/2023 at 12:48 pm
Greetings Boss, Fellow Patched, Prospects, Support, etc. Wow Boss, 70 pages and over 60,000 views for guestbook Cool !! All is going great our AO. Had great lunch past Wednesday, Even brother linebacker was there. Brother Boogies trike is finally done ( no more squeak LOL) . Sorry been a while since last post, ended up getting a new computer, Still trying to get used to all this new windows 11 stuff, but getting there.LOL. To ALL OUR Brothers and Sisters , The Wife and I wish all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year. Prayers and Positive thoughts to all on mend. Be safe all . All for now. LLRBF NVFFNV
raymondkoch wrote on 12/04/2023 at 10:27 am
Greetings All,
so our first entry was 07/21/2017 since then we have 1386 posts on 70 pages and 59808 visits to our site not bad for a bunch of RENEGADES.
My new bike should be here in a few days after I sign the paperwork and have them deliver it.
Please be safe and have a great Christmas and Happy New Year
LLRB 1422
Daniel (Boogie) from Peoria AZ wrote on 12/02/2023 at 5:24 pm
Geetings Full Patch Holders Supporters and Prospects. Well they are putting a new differential in my 19 Tri Glide should take care of the squeak they say if course they said that about the last time they fixed that noise. Hope all had a great Thanksgiving and now getting ready for Christmas. Counting the days to National can't wait to see you all
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
hope the differential fix is what does the trick for you,be safe ride often LLRB 1422
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 11/24/2023 at 5:49 pm
Greetings to one and all, had first meet with Rebel this morning for breakfast, it was pleasure meeting Rebel, can't wait to meet the other members at the nationals, put my bike up for the winter last week as weather here in Wisconsin is getting colder, good health to all, prospect Scooter
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
when you met Rebel you met us all, BROTHERS by different mothers but all the same in how we roll,LLRBF 1422