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1527 entries.
GearBox from Surprise wrote on 02/13/2025 at 12:50 pm
Greetings Boss, Fellow Patched, Prospects, Support, Etc. Sorry Boss, Have been lax in posting. Still here and kicking. Weather here has been goofy past couple weeks, One week 90's and the next 60's with 30's at nite. But all is good our AO. Have been busy going through boxes and sorting out crap. Getting ready to move up about one hour north to Dewey. Our house is up for sale right now but market is still tight, no biggie though, not in super hurry. Going to take little while to go through all the crap we accumulated over the years lol. Trike is running great. Not sure just yet if riding bike to National or riding along with Brother Notrob. All for now Boss, Positive thoughts and Prayers to all on mend. Ride safe all. NVFFNV LLRBF
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Glad to here all is well and your coming with President Notrob to Nationals,so looking forward to our meeting
richard trauschke from florence wrote on 02/08/2025 at 1:06 pm
Greetings Patch Holders, Prospects and Supporters. Getting another storm here in Ma. Up to 8" tonight, more snow coming Wed. and Thursday. Then again for the weekend, probably don't sound like much to you guys in the snow belts, but this is unusual for us. Reminds of when I was a kid and this weather was normal. Stay warm!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
you can keep that snow,I would love some sun and warm weather.take care keep posting
creech from CALUMET CITY, IL wrote on 02/03/2025 at 5:25 pm
Tryin to find out about membership.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
I will have region Brother contact you by e-mail
Dan (Boogie) from Peoria wrote on 02/01/2025 at 8:35 am
Greetings Boss, Patched Members, Prospects and Supporters. Going on a Brunch ride with two guys who have shown interest in or club. Their main residence is in Washington state so have gotten together with Radio to let him know he may have two new members. Will be talking to them try and find out their plans for the future see how serious they are. Talk to you later
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
WOW sounds great
richard trauschke from florence wrote on 01/30/2025 at 6:39 am
Greetings Boss Patch Holders,Prospects, and Supporters. Scooter thanks for your reply to my last. Weather is unusually frigid here. Like you, my bike is on the bike lift in the garage. Need the floor space as I have too much "stuff" to get around in there. Will be doing a little work to it in the spring. Then see what the warmer weather brings. Stay safe. Talk to you soon.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks for the post ,keep that going so we can get to know u.Talk of a spring run but no place or time yet picked.Ideas?????
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 01/28/2025 at 2:09 pm
Greetings Boss Patch Holders Prospects, and Supporters .Richard, I'm in Westfield WI. Glad to see that you posted, I'm not sure who is in your area, weather is warm here today for WI but bike put away until salt is off the road. Wishing everyone the best. Will have to find a place for a spring run, upper WI and the Up in MI has some great riding. NVFFNV, Scooter
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
sounds good check with Rebel lets do it
Dan (Boogie) from Peoria wrote on 01/24/2025 at 8:31 pm
Greetings Boss, Patched Brothers, Prospects and Supporters. Everything is starting to look better health wise here. Damn cold here for Arizona Valley of the sun. Had to buy two new tires for my trike it was about the same price as for one tire on my last scoot. Guys still getting together on Mondays and Wednesdays it's nice to have Brothers to talk to and laugh with. Now that Trump is President I'm thinking I'd like to go to the capital for a visit ha ha. Hope all is well and everyone is healthy. Until June keep the rubber side down. Oh I did have a guy interested in our club sent him my telephone number hope I hear from him soon.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
your working hard take care my Brother
richard trauschke from florence wrote on 01/23/2025 at 6:00 pm
Hey Scooter you from westfield Ma. by any chance? I'm a new guy trying to get in
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
working on getting you contacted,sorry for the lasp
Rebel from Lees Summit wrote on 01/17/2025 at 12:30 pm
Greetings Patched Members, Prospects, Support and interested vets. The weather forecast for southern Alabama on Tuesday is for snow! We are now preparing for this winter blizzard. Snow is expected to reach total accumulation of 1/4” with a chance of drifts up to 1/2”. Schools are anticipating being closed for at least 2 days. 🤣 Other than that things are great!
Looking forward to Nationals in June and seeing everyone again.
Let us know how you are doing. Be safe and stay healthy!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
need to contact SCOOTER he mentioned a SPRING run no plan yet
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 01/16/2025 at 9:31 am
Greetings Boss, Patch Holders, Prospects and Supporters, just a quick note hoping that the new year is going well for everyone. Looking forward to spring to be able to get back on the bike and hopefully get together for spring run with a few brothers. Wishing everyone good health and looking forward to the Nationals, take care. NVFFNV, Scooter, and a special tks for the Officers of Our Club
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Spring run would be great any ideas where ????
Dan (Boogie) from Peoria wrote on 01/12/2025 at 8:35 am
Greetings Boss, Patched Brothers, Prospects and Supporters. Sorry I haven't been on here. The holidays are always so difficult and trying to put on a good face for my wife and kiddos is hard. Then New years I was sick and that lasted for two weeks. Went to the Dr took my blood pressure in the high 180s have been keeping track on my BP Dr has put me on a little whit pill to see if the helps will see. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. Only only about 159 days till Nationals can't wait
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Well shit hope you get better soon
Taco from Crosby wrote on 12/31/2024 at 12:38 pm
New Year's Eve! Today tomorrow a New Year begins wishing all Members and Prospects! From Minnesota Great Year!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks the Best to You and Yours
Dutch from Montana wrote on 12/29/2024 at 9:50 am
..... NVMC ......
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Taco from Crosby wrote on 12/24/2024 at 6:07 pm
Prospect Taco here! Wanted to wish all Patched BROTHERS and Prospects! A Merry Christmas!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks from all of us,can hardly wait to get you Patched in at NATIONAL or before if possible.MERRY CHRISTMAS
Dutch from Montana wrote on 12/23/2024 at 6:54 pm
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Rebel from Lees Summit wrote on 12/15/2024 at 3:49 pm
Greetings Patched Members, Prospects, Support and interested Vets. 10 days till Christmas and time is moving fast! The weather is good, the Chiefs are 13-1 (somehow) and all decorations are up. Looking forward to Nationals in New Mexico and seeing everyone again. Going to Alabama and South Carolina this winter. I will be doing some riding with my son and grandson in March, first time for the three generations to ride together.
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and healthy and prosperous New Year!
Stay healthy, stay safe and ride when you can.
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Sounds like you are going to have fun,be safe and MERRY CHRISTMAS
Phillip doc Mihoover from Crosby wrote on 12/13/2024 at 4:54 pm
Prospect taco here! Good day to all Patched Members and Prospects! Cold here in Minnesota! Myself am doing well ! Working on garage on bikes. Where there is heat! Picked up the wife a new bike for Xmas! If I can figure out how to post pictures I will! Merry Christmas to all members!!!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Sounds great stay warm and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours.
George Alan Reischling from Rutledge wrote on 12/11/2024 at 1:03 pm
Vietnam creed "To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know." Courage on the Mountain http://courageonthemountain.com Captivating, true, 900 plus 5 star reviews and Free on Amazon Prime Glad you made it, Welcome Home Brother!
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Carry on Welcome Home,Thanks for the POST as Brother Dutch always says ",Boss there are still BROTHERS out there we have not contacted".AMEN
Scooter from Westfield wrote on 12/08/2024 at 8:40 am
Greetings Boss, Patch Holders, Prospects and Supporters. I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving and wishing everyone a great Christmas holiday. Bike is put away for the winter unfortunately. To short of season here in WI. Best wishes and good health and prayers out to those in need. Hopefully get see some Brothers this spring. Take Care. NVFFNV. Scooter
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Thanks for the post wishing you and yours the best of CHRISTMAS cheer
GearBox from Surprise wrote on 12/04/2024 at 2:57 pm
Greetings Boss, Fellow Patched, Prospects, Support, etc. Good day today. Lunch with the guys today was great as always. All are doing good our AO. Have to wait couple more days then will get the RSV vaccine, Every year something new. I think most of our region will be at national. All for now Boss, Positive thoughts and Prayers to all on mend. Be safe all. LLRBF NVFFNV
Admin Reply by: raymondkoch
Sounds great going to be around 10 and only get to about 30 tomorrow