1527 entries.
yepp, the power is back on at 5am, gotta love it
hey bro's other than no power for the past 3 days, the buda and mrs are doing ok. at this time the sante fe river is flooding big time, 441 just closed in town and they say I75 may have to close soon. if that happens southbound traffic, many coming back to nothing will have to put another 200-300 miles to their return to?
brother dutch, a classmate of mine was on f/b talking about the smoke at her home in Florence,.
i missed another vet center ptsd meeting, they are getting squirrely about that - seems the va has their hooks up the vet centers ass pretty far, i didn't realize until i got a letter from the vet center about missing a months meetings - many of which i was at the hospital for doc appt's.
i went off on them 2 weeks ago after receiving that letter, which led to an interesting fact finding about the vet center/VA relationship.
me and the vet center go back to the 90's, they helped me stay alive it was nam vets helping nam vets, that was it.
rant over, just sayin, beware if you have the situation of YOU choosing to go to them instead of VA help for group meetings
brother dutch, a classmate of mine was on f/b talking about the smoke at her home in Florence,.
i missed another vet center ptsd meeting, they are getting squirrely about that - seems the va has their hooks up the vet centers ass pretty far, i didn't realize until i got a letter from the vet center about missing a months meetings - many of which i was at the hospital for doc appt's.
i went off on them 2 weeks ago after receiving that letter, which led to an interesting fact finding about the vet center/VA relationship.
me and the vet center go back to the 90's, they helped me stay alive it was nam vets helping nam vets, that was it.
rant over, just sayin, beware if you have the situation of YOU choosing to go to them instead of VA help for group meetings
Hi to all my brothers
I hope you all are safe and well. I know some of you have had hell or wind and high water. Know that you are always in my prayers .
I hope you all are safe and well. I know some of you have had hell or wind and high water. Know that you are always in my prayers .
Sit Rep .....
Brothers, with the crazy weather happening across this Nation, I want to wish all well.
I am just learning to live with the smoke, our fire is still growing, 9000 acres as I type. It appears the Western edge is fairly secure and that's good for me, the fire did jump Grave Creek and is now burning East towards Glacier Park. The good news is there is nuthin' out there but wilderness. They have been able to pull Firefighters of the Gibralter Ridge Fire and move them over to the Caribou Fire on the west side of our little valley. That fire is 20,000 + acres and now burning into Canada. They were not as lucky as us, lost at least 10 homes and 25/30 outbuildings. Appears we got some much needed rain coming tomorrow through Friday. Am hoping for a good 3 day soaker, that will help a bunch. Am also hoping all went well with you Brother Buda, time to dig out I guess.
Am looking forward to the 1st snow and 2018 (can't believe I said that).
LHRB to you all !
still hoping and praying all Brothers are safe.LLRB SKINNER
Brothers, with the crazy weather happening across this Nation, I want to wish all well.
I am just learning to live with the smoke, our fire is still growing, 9000 acres as I type. It appears the Western edge is fairly secure and that's good for me, the fire did jump Grave Creek and is now burning East towards Glacier Park. The good news is there is nuthin' out there but wilderness. They have been able to pull Firefighters of the Gibralter Ridge Fire and move them over to the Caribou Fire on the west side of our little valley. That fire is 20,000 + acres and now burning into Canada. They were not as lucky as us, lost at least 10 homes and 25/30 outbuildings. Appears we got some much needed rain coming tomorrow through Friday. Am hoping for a good 3 day soaker, that will help a bunch. Am also hoping all went well with you Brother Buda, time to dig out I guess.
Am looking forward to the 1st snow and 2018 (can't believe I said that).
LHRB to you all !
still hoping and praying all Brothers are safe.LLRB SKINNER
brothers, thanks for the good thoughts .. we had minimal damage, it was a long night, i was at the wire all night, many noises, meds were doubled, nisa had pic's of Budda taped up all over the house and vehicles and i was locked and loaded, ha! Power was lost last night around 10 and i don't think it will be on anytime soon.
anyway, just sayin thanks for the concern
anyway, just sayin thanks for the concern
Brother Buda, I hope all is well with you and yours. You are in my thoughts and prayers. LHRBF
Brelon here sure hope you, wife are in a good safe place. You will be in our thoughts and prayers!
If you are ever in need, I as close as Mississippi. Later Brother
Brelon here sure hope you, wife are in a good safe place. You will be in our thoughts and prayers!
If you are ever in need, I as close as Mississippi. Later Brother
Think'n about you and yours Brother Buda, have been watch'n the drama unfold. The world is upside down, but we still know the way....Brotherhood ! We had our 1st night in over a month where we could leave a couple windows open, don't know where the smoke went, but I like it. Am also sure it will be back, but hopefully not before I grab a quick ride in today. The air is clear, now it's time to do the same for my head 😉
My thoughts going out to Buda and his wife. Please find a safe place and hunker down. Anything you need call me.
Give a shout out to Brother Buda who is in harms way, want you to know we're praying for you and family. Play it all safe Brother. Keep us posted.
First rain in months. Not enough to help with fires but nocked down some dust and cleared out some smoke.
Can't believe I'm writing about rain in Washington!! Three months from now I'll be whining about too much rain.
Ride safe and Ride free
Can't believe I'm writing about rain in Washington!! Three months from now I'll be whining about too much rain.
Ride safe and Ride free
yepp, going for the big ride down here in sunny Florida late tomorrow night and Monday.
Respect to you all and ask that you think good thoughts for all of us still here
Stay safe our BROTHER when it's over please give one of us a call.
Respect to you all and ask that you think good thoughts for all of us still here
Stay safe our BROTHER when it's over please give one of us a call.
It is with great sadness We have had to cancel the Northwest regional Fall Run. Smoke and fire here in the Northwest is unbelievable , lived here 68 years and seen nothing like this. Many fires won't be out till the snow falls. We will overcome and shoot for the Spring Run and keep in touch with phone calls, e mail, FB and above all Nam Vet's web page. Might be another long winter again but Nam Vet Nomads will prevail.
RESPECT. Chaplain/NW Prez.
RESPECT. Chaplain/NW Prez.
Damn Brother Sling Blade ! .....
I think I like be'n a middle finger .....
I think I like be'n a middle finger .....
brother boss, thanks for the member i.d. it helped (helps) me to remember who is who. brother digger i was going to lay some good words on ya when i heard that you might have a malignant growth somewhere, now i see it was benign, absolutely awesome. i will never forget the day back in 2011 the oral surgeon at bay pines va in tampa said that i had a big growth in my jaw, it was cancer he said but it probably was not malignant. the feeling i got in my gut and head equaled any bad day in the Nam. it has been pretty good for me for 6 yrs, now - they keep checking every 6-12 months but i just told this little story because i think i know how you felt when they found the bump.
grumpy, i'm not sure i know who the guys are you spoke of in texas (i'm guessing) but i'm glad to hear they are good.
it is good to see you guys on here
grumpy, i'm not sure i know who the guys are you spoke of in texas (i'm guessing) but i'm glad to hear they are good.
it is good to see you guys on here
In regards to Dozer. Sorry to hear about your father may he rest in peace. People you make us feel welcomed home.
I think I remember that horn blast, thanks for your thoughts ! May your Dad Rest In Peace...
I think I remember that horn blast, thanks for your thoughts ! May your Dad Rest In Peace...
Greetings to all Brothers, Supporters, the Curious, Furious, and simple Observers!
September is upon us, Fall is descending like the fading colored leaves from surrounding trees.
An epic Summer of roads, NR17, Brotherhood, strangers giving the thumbs up, gratitude, thank you's, and stories of family members who served.
We are still riding for those who can't- by choice, illness, or the final measure of names on the Wall.
We are that chapter in this country's history book- a page that we won't let them close. Riding and flying the patch that reminds young and old that we lived that time, some in-country, some back home with the protestors- as convenient targets for practice.
We are the raised middle finger to those who sided with the enemy, for votes or ideology. Those who greeted our Brothers coming home with filth and obscenities, and to the employers who refused to hire Vietnam Veterans who believed the lies that our Brothers were damaged goods.
We are the raised middle finger to the VA and other medical systems that refused to acknowledge the illness and internal damage as nothing, resulting in too many of our Brothers taking the final medication of suicide by their own hand, drugs, drinking, or a reckless life with no stops.
Finally, we ride for our MC Brothers here and gone, to honor a life well lived with the roar of our pipes and the smell of exhaust!
I am honored to be counted among you, I got your six, and will constantly strive to keep the right to wear the patch and have your valued Brotherhood.
I wish all testicles of brass, full tanks of gas, and smiles that will never pass!
Brother Sling Blade
September is upon us, Fall is descending like the fading colored leaves from surrounding trees.
An epic Summer of roads, NR17, Brotherhood, strangers giving the thumbs up, gratitude, thank you's, and stories of family members who served.
We are still riding for those who can't- by choice, illness, or the final measure of names on the Wall.
We are that chapter in this country's history book- a page that we won't let them close. Riding and flying the patch that reminds young and old that we lived that time, some in-country, some back home with the protestors- as convenient targets for practice.
We are the raised middle finger to those who sided with the enemy, for votes or ideology. Those who greeted our Brothers coming home with filth and obscenities, and to the employers who refused to hire Vietnam Veterans who believed the lies that our Brothers were damaged goods.
We are the raised middle finger to the VA and other medical systems that refused to acknowledge the illness and internal damage as nothing, resulting in too many of our Brothers taking the final medication of suicide by their own hand, drugs, drinking, or a reckless life with no stops.
Finally, we ride for our MC Brothers here and gone, to honor a life well lived with the roar of our pipes and the smell of exhaust!
I am honored to be counted among you, I got your six, and will constantly strive to keep the right to wear the patch and have your valued Brotherhood.
I wish all testicles of brass, full tanks of gas, and smiles that will never pass!
Brother Sling Blade
Had remembered the name NAM VETS and just located your site.
I am an over the road truck driver, and while on a long haul East bound through Nebraska last summer, I had a small group from the NAM VETS MC pass me, in formation, on Interstate 80. They must have been doing 90, was a sight to see..
I couldn't help myself and got on my horn, one of them waved, and they were gone.
That visual has stuck in my head, as my dad was a "Nam Vet" and loved his motorcycle. He passed 3 years ago, but seeing you guy's brought it all back.
Thanks for that, and just wanted to say Thank You for your service.
I am an over the road truck driver, and while on a long haul East bound through Nebraska last summer, I had a small group from the NAM VETS MC pass me, in formation, on Interstate 80. They must have been doing 90, was a sight to see..
I couldn't help myself and got on my horn, one of them waved, and they were gone.
That visual has stuck in my head, as my dad was a "Nam Vet" and loved his motorcycle. He passed 3 years ago, but seeing you guy's brought it all back.
Thanks for that, and just wanted to say Thank You for your service.
Brother Digger,
Couldn't be happier to hear the good news. Every once in awhile we are smiled upon. The best to you! Ride on and stay safe.
Couldn't be happier to hear the good news. Every once in awhile we are smiled upon. The best to you! Ride on and stay safe.