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1527 entries.
Herky from Weiser, ID wrote on 08/30/2017 at 11:56 pm
As for brother Dutch's entry I would of never known about the run for that little failing girl Alaana had he not put the bug in my ear, those of us in the Nam Vet's are a true Brotherhood and work together to accomplish good things.
The Northwest Region's plans for the fall run has added another rider to the group, so things will be that much more enjoyable. A good time closing out the riding year as a Club will happen here in Northern Idaho., with riders from 3 Northwest states.
Blessing to you all
Herky: Nat Chap/NW Pres.
Richard Starnes from Raymond wrote on 08/30/2017 at 10:15 pm
RB Starnes from ms
Is doing well!
Digger from Washington,In. wrote on 08/30/2017 at 2:41 pm
O.K.Brothers it is official.No cancer.It was a cyst.What a relief!My Dr. removed it.Took him all of 5 min.So to the best Brothers anyone could ask for.Peace and Respect.I love you all!
Dutch from Eureka, MT wrote on 08/28/2017 at 7:49 pm
Thanks for the update Brother Grumpy. It's good to hear that Spokes is OK, am hopin' Redleg fared as well. Checked the weather forecast for Brother Twin and he looks golden ...... Crazy weather !
Dutch from Eureka,MT wrote on 08/27/2017 at 7:22 pm
First thing I want to do is talk briefly about my day. 140 miles over the the Yaak and back, talked with a Vietnam Vet and gave him my Club card. This is what I live for, we are still out there, we just need to stop long enough to hook up. Was a good talk !
Now, what needs to be told :
A little girl has been given 72 hours to live over in Idaho, her one request was to see "motorcycles". Our Brother, a man of many hats, did not hesitate. Brother Herky, Nam Vets MC National Chaplain, NVMC Northwest Region President, jumped on his scooter and rode off to fulfill that little girls request. It's my understanding that 100 bikes showed up, our Patch was among them.
This I know, what goes around, comes around, and Brother Herky will be blessed. That little girl was given comfort from these Brothers banding together and granting her last wish. She wanted Motorcycles, she got Motorcycles. Our Club/Patch was elevated today.
Much Respect and Love Brother, because of you, our Patch has gained much Iron over in Idaho !!!!
This is who we are ...
Grumpy from Sesser wrote on 08/27/2017 at 2:36 pm
Just got word from Spokes he is ok minor damage to his place and chain saw work to do.
Redleg still up North his area got hit hard. Unknown what he will find when he gets home.
Skinner National President from Piedmont,Mo wrote on 08/26/2017 at 8:29 am
greetings from southern Missouri,
Yesterday we traveled to Jefferson Barack's to join in with a tribute to a Veteran friend of ours.Charlie Clyde his wife Peach was maid of honor at our wedding and a life long friend.The turn out and tribute given by his co-workers was absolutely amazing.Of course now I wish we would have spent more time together.I know we have all heard this before but take time to listen more and enjoy your friends and family they will be gone to soon.RIP Charlie.
Dutch from Eureka, MT wrote on 08/26/2017 at 8:06 am
Hang tough Brother Digger, just a bump in the road !
Rick from El Cajon, CA wrote on 08/24/2017 at 7:42 pm
Happened across your Web Page while surfing the net. It's good to see Vietnam Vets still out and about. I served RVN 69/71 USN. Keep doing what you are doing. We may be getting up there, but we are not out of the game yet.
Welcome Home

glad to see we are reaching other veterans.welcome home to u also.
Skinner National President Nam Vets M/C Nomad
Digger from Washington,In. wrote on 08/24/2017 at 9:35 am
O.K.Brothers here it is.This is part of the reason I will not be attending the fall run.I have a medical problem that has been bugging me for months.A place on the side of my neck that is itching like hell.I went to the Dr.I have a place about the size of a quarter on the right side of my neck.My Dr. says it is cancer.He has set me up for surgery the 30th of Aug.I will keep you informed as I don't know how this will go.

Prayers Brother.Let us know if u need anything.
LLRB Skinner
buda wrote on 08/22/2017 at 6:41 pm
brother skinner,
this web site is a good thing but with the recent hacking have you thought about keeping it public and having a closed private room for the club accessible by password?
with this guestbook strictly for non club members?

Brother Buda
that has been discussed no final decision made yet
buda wrote on 08/20/2017 at 5:55 am
keep on keepin on brother,
Dutch from Eureka wrote on 08/18/2017 at 7:46 pm
Got my mail today, also got a lesson on what Brotherhood means.
Over my considerable years, as far back as Sept. 1967, I have labeled myself, even with some Pride, a Loner.
Today I learned " I'm Not Alone. I have a Motorcycle Club behind me. I got Brothers who care. I got the Nam Vets MC !
To the NVMC itself, to the individuals who took the time to cut a check so Nancy and I would be taken care of during our time of uncertainty, the words "Thank You" just don't seem enough.
What I can do is pledge my undying Love & Respect for this Club, this Patch, and for this thing we call Brotherhood. Know that as you were there for Nancy and I, we will be there for you.
Where at one time, I thought that we had lost everything, as of now, our Cabin still stands, our woods is still tall and green, and we are well.
Most of our costs will be covered, and we will continue on with this journey. For that reason, I returned your gifts, but I want you to know that along with your checks, the most precious gift you gave us was your Brotherhood, your Love & Concern.
You are our Family.......
Love & Respect to you all...
Dutch & Nancy...

Skinner National President from p wrote on 08/17/2017 at 1:36 pm
Just had a nice long talk with NVP Dutch,He is as always filled with knowledge but having a time dealing with the fire.Wish we could all go visit him and take the tank full of gas ride to clear out our heads together.All we can do is hope he gets some moisture soon.U know we always want sunshine and clear skies so we can ride and no rider likes rain but he needs some now in the worst way.As we talked a water truck was baking up his driveway to refill the tank by his house.Sure wish them all the best and a sooner than later good end to this nightmare.He said if the Sheriff will give them a letter stating they had a mandatory evacuation from their home insurance will pay for some of their expenses.So there is some light to that tunnels end.Still sending good thoughts and prayers your way my BROTHER.
LLRB always and forever.
Dutch from Eureka, Montana wrote on 08/17/2017 at 8:24 am
Morning Brothers,
Want to 1st say Thanks for being there, been a strange 11 days so far. It's good to be back home, but I don't think it has really set in on me fully yet. I still have the firefighters here day and night, days seem to be the best in regards to the smoke, they are still set'n "back burns" up the hill. There's just too much activity to really do anything. Got a water tank set up by Nancy's garden with PVC pipe running off into the woods. It's got a little motor on it that keeps the liquid stirred, noisy thing, and it runs all day. In the evening the smoke settles back in and that makes it hard to sleep well. Log homes are not real air tight, I'm start'n to think. The more I look at the clearing, the more I think it will never be like it was. The North East section of woods, I don't recognize anymore. I got a road that now runs through the clearing, and I don't think that will ever heal. My mail box (about a mile down the road) was completely trashed along with 4 others. They think a piece of heavy equipment ran into it. Got to buy a new one and replace it. Post Office can't deliver mail till I get that done. There is a meeting tonight at the High School but we can't go. Meeting is at 6pm and we have to be off the roads up here between the hours of 7 & 9 (morning & evening) because thats when the shifts are changing. I stare at my bike and wonder when I will ever be able to just get on it and go for a ride ? It seems like that day is a long way off.
My throat hurts, sneezing, just growing tired of it all...... I want things back to normal, good luck with that ! What I need is a good, continual rain that would last for about 4 days. I don't see that happening either, been the driest summer I can remember .
Just needed to vent a little bit.
Love & Respect to you all .....
Skinner National President from Piedmont,Mo wrote on 08/14/2017 at 10:52 am
BD from Litterock, WA wrote on 08/13/2017 at 1:06 pm
Thinking about Brother Dutch and Nancy. You have been in my thoughts and prayers Brother. Stay safe and to all my Brothers, take care. LLRBF
Skinner National President from Piedmont,Mo wrote on 08/12/2017 at 1:00 pm
Update on NVP DUTCH related from Slingblade is DUTCH and Nancy r ok.However they r not yet back at home.Fire fighters r using his propetry as a base camp.
Twin from Wichita Falls wrote on 08/11/2017 at 10:56 am
We have fire in the west and floods in the heart land.I hope all of me brothers are safe. Our prayers are with you.
buda wrote on 08/10/2017 at 7:15 pm
any word on dutch?