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1527 entries.
Joseph Moskaly from Norwood wrote on 08/08/2017 at 9:06 pm
Our thoughts and prayers for our Brothers Dutch, and hopefully the fire stay off in the far distance
buda wrote on 08/08/2017 at 7:40 pm
wow, sorry to hear about Dutch and the mrs.
does it sound not good for him skinner?
i put a new battery in the scoot yesterday, it was a good thing.
thanks doc g for the info on whips, i'll email her
sh...tt really a bummer for dutch
Skinner National President from Piedmont,Mo wrote on 08/08/2017 at 5:20 pm
Keep praying for our NVP Dutch and wife Nancy
they our okay but displaced from home.He just called and sounds good but still very concerned about the fire.Cabin is still standing he grabbed some stuff and was forced to sleep in vehicles on parking lot in town.Authorities still not letting Dutch are his neighbors back into there homes.Maybe out for a few more days.He said the smoke was so thick he could not see his truck when they drove out around 1:30am.Told him to keep in touch and he said he would.Helicopters and bulldozers working in and around his area.
Skinner National President from Piedmont,Mo wrote on 08/08/2017 at 10:50 am
Doc Gonzo from Cheyenne wrote on 08/07/2017 at 2:41 pm
Greetings Brothers, Prospects and supports!!

All is well here in my AO. Was hoping to get to Sturgis, but the weather is not conducive to making the trip.

Someone asked about get back whips. I've gotten my last three from Kym Stumph in Arizona. She does GREAT work at a fair price.

If you would like to contact her the e-mail is [email protected]. Tell her I recommended her and you might get a discount. I don't know.

Looks like Summer is about over here; Frontier days ended last week, and seemingly so did Summer. Cold this week, supposed to be warmer next, in the 80's. We'll see.

Not getting nearly as much riding in as I'd hoped this year. Maybe next year. I'm hoping to get up to Williston to see my Brother up there before too long. Maybe we'll go raise hell in Saskatoon. LOL Who's got bail money??

Best to all. Ride 'em like you stole 'em


Dutch from Montana wrote on 08/07/2017 at 8:09 am
Appears they went and sealed our road, tar-asphalt-rock chips. Now it's like riding a gravel road the 5 miles down to the highway. No big deal, got out yesterday. Thought I would go to Glacier Park and ride the "Going To The Sun" road that runs through the Park. Felt good to get out finally, had some decent riding weather and ran a little over 200 miles. I even dressed up and wore my leather cut cause it was Sunday. Had two separate occasions where I could have handed out our Club Card, but had left them on my work bench in the garage. That won't happen again. Really like the way our Web Site is coming together...Yellow & Black ! Am think'n about riding into Kalispell tomorrow and visiting the Moving Wall, have seen it once before but never approached it ...... we will see how it goes...
Respects to you all .
Richard from Clearlake, Wa wrote on 08/06/2017 at 12:38 pm
Greetings Brothers,
Went to Vietnam Veterans picnic yesterday. Made a few contacts and hope I interested some folks in our new website.
Smoke fron BC fires has kept local temperatures down. Able to get out on the road most every day.

Hey Slingblade!
You should check into the Cauldwell area. My nephew just moved there. Just north of Boise and 10% cheaper.

Enjoy the good weather while it lasts.
Respect to all.

Skinner National President from Piedmont,Mo wrote on 08/05/2017 at 2:35 pm
Have been asked a lot of questions about our web site.Most if not all I would l 'd love to see come about.Problem is right now John the builder has only so much time to offer us for free or to give to building are adding items to the site.So have patience please.
A store will happen someday when we figure out a supplier of items wanted.Twin I think maybe the best source for shirts etc. if he would take on that project I know we all would be grateful.I know Herky has a source for the decals and he maybe could be the answer there.Anything else please let me r some one know what u have r want.
as always
Grumpy from Sesser wrote on 08/05/2017 at 8:44 am
Yesterday took the wife to lunch at Cave in Rock. While eating (the lodge overlooks the Ohio River) got to thinking would be a great place for a spring or fall run. Their web site is: www.caveinrockkaylors.com
Nice cabins, free ferry into Kentucky, etc.
Something to think about.
By the way the catfish was great.
buda from high springs Fl wrote on 08/03/2017 at 1:46 pm
boss skinner,
where did you buy your new whip?

are going to have a store like the other guys?

TOP from CHEYENNE, WYOMING wrote on 08/02/2017 at 10:10 am
Going to be nice weather coming up...getting ready to head to New Castle, Colorado....Time to flash the colors in some one elses backyard.. waiting for Sturgis to be over with and cleared out and will then head North.
Dutch from Montana wrote on 08/02/2017 at 8:29 am
Hot and windy again today, and get'n hotter. Got a VA appointment tomorrow, gotta drive 140 miles to tell the Doc I got no complaints. Want to get out sometime this month, get a overnight ride in to somewhere (can't believe it's August). If I can get the temps into the low 80's (70's even better), that would work for me. Would also like to get over and ride Glacier Park once this summer, say "hey" to the tourists. Am look'n forward to our 1st Regional in a number of years, will be good to see Brothers one more time in 2017.
Digger from Washington,In. wrote on 08/02/2017 at 5:11 am
Brothers on my last post I mis-quoted my e-mail address.I put [email protected] It should have been [email protected] about that.
Joseph L. Moskaly from Norwood wrote on 08/01/2017 at 10:10 pm
Long day it was today, but going to pull the plugs. Getting the LapTop up and running with the folks across the pond just too much fun.
But all is well and running again. Hope all is well with you brothers, and I see Herky is gone for the zzzs and Slingblade is on the move, lets us know when your dust settles.
Respect to all, and lets get out and get somenew prospects signed up. Going to the cycle shop in MtnGrove to put a sheet up....
tomorrow, let the Skinner know how it turns out. Out and gone for the night.
Digger from Washinton,In. wrote on 08/01/2017 at 3:44 pm
Well,here I am finally!Had trouble getting the websitew to come up.Everything is fine here.Hope all is well with all my Brothers.Just checking in so this will be short.As always"Peace and Respect!"
Herky from Weiser wrote on 07/31/2017 at 10:01 pm
Greetings Nam Vet's
Mornings cool afternoons 100 plus all week long. Still getting out for an evening cruise. Bike night at the local A&W Tuesdays.
Things shaping up for NW 1st Fall run. Of course all Brothers invited and any potential Prospects as well. Any interested on a trip out to the NW let me know and you'll get the info.
NVFFNV . Herky, Nat Chap.
Twin from wichita falls wrote on 07/31/2017 at 1:23 pm
Thanks Brother Skinner for all of your work . The guestbook will help our club members stay connected with each other. I had my trik fixed, looks like new. I make J C ride in front now. LLRB
Sling Blade from Methville, WA wrote on 07/31/2017 at 10:30 am
A quick thumbs up, shout out, kudos, salutations, and humble thank you to NP Skinner and all who assisted with the new website!
It is putting our footprint down on the cyber highway for those interested in finding true Brotherhood, and those checking out our modus operandi, character, and club mission to all vets and those who need assistance.
We keep rolling into the future with throttles wide open and miles of smiles!
Brother Sling Blade
Sling Blade from Out 'dere wrote on 07/30/2017 at 8:25 pm
Shout out to all who roam and call their motorcycles home!
Enjoying the waning days of summer, never seems long enough for me. Working on the move to Boise, ID via VA home financing, and surfing the internet and crime databases for a good LZ. Bike running good, body seems to be keeping up with my feet, and still mentally high from the trip to MO.
Everybody in the region is getting amped for the lunar eclipse on Aug 21st, including the absolute fruit loops in beads and white robes- it should be a hoot to watch!
I hope everyone is having a great time, getting a little road grime, while we're still in our prime!
Sling Blade NSAA
Joseph L. Moskaly from Norwood,MO. wrote on 07/30/2017 at 8:14 pm
Well, Brothers another weekend comes to a close hope some got a few miles on the scooter. Me I got honey do's and 5 portions of the lawn done , which leave me 2 to do.
On the bright side on Aug 10 Boss man will be here for the doings in Springfield on the old square, it's that bike and car show I went to last yr.
Let ya all know how it went after.....